Evening Time Lighthouse

No law but love, no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible.​
 -William Branham


Sunday – 10:30am

Wednesday – 7:30pm


12015 E Turquoise Cir, Dewey, AZ 86327

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Evening Time Lighthouse


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Evening Time Lighthouse in Dewey, AZ

We were first established as Word Bride Fellowship in 1995, having home services. As we outgrew the home, in 1999 we built our first tabernacle east of Dewey and met there for five years. 2005 was a trying year for us when we had to stop meeting in the first tabernacle and went to a rented hall for three years. Then in 2008, through faith and prayer and with lots of help from our Christian family, we built and dedicated to God the current tabernacle at our present location. We give all thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us this beautiful tabernacle!

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. 

Hebrews 10:25

Brother Ted Posedly

Pastor, Evening Time Lighthouse

I am Brother Ted Posedly, who along with my wife, Sister Myrna, joyfully serve the saints here at Evening Time Lighthouse.

We have one son, Joel. I was gloriously converted in the year 1974, called and ordained by God in the ministry in 1976. Sister Myrna and I were married in Tucson Tabernacle in 1979. We traveled in evangelism for 14 years, pioneered two churches out of state for three years each, and have been here pastoring in Dewey since 1995. I love Him more now more than ever, grateful to be a part of the end-time message ministry, to see souls receive Christ, and to witness His victory in each life as He molds Himself into the believers. A little saying I saw on a bumper sticker once sums it up: “Jesus Christ – changing the world, one life at a time.” God bless you!

What we believe


We are a non-denominational, independent, and locally sovereign assembly of bible believers, where we have no law but love, and no creed but Christ.

We believe the Bible to be God’s inspired and sacred love letter to man. We believe in the supreme deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His complete atonement for man that day on Calvary, and the living, resurrected Lord Jesus Christ reigning in the hearts of His followers in the form of the Holy Ghost. We believe salvation is an individual experience and the New Birth is a supernatural and life-changing revelation of the reality of God to each individual.

As our name indicates, we believe that Luke 17:30 has been fulfilled in these last days. That the True Light, our Lord Jesus Christ, has shined in darkness through the life and ministry of the seventh angel of Revelation 10:7, our brother and God’s prophet, William Branham.

SUN — 10:30am // WED — 7:30pm

12015 E Turquoise Cir, Dewey, AZ 86327